119 Blog

Judaizers...Is That What We Are?

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It is not uncommon for us, as 119 Ministries as well as other followers of the Torah, to be labeled as “Judaizers” or for it to be said we are “Judaizing”.  Yet how many know what they are saying?  What does it mean to be a Judaizer?  Are we Judaizers? What a Judaizer IsAccording to one article on NewAdvent.org, judaizers are/were: “A party of Jewish Christians in the Early Church, who either held...

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The Ten Days of Awe

The above picture is carved into the French Arch De Triumph in Paris and depicts the Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD Notice that in the booty the conquering Romans carried away from the Jerusalem Temple were two long hammered silver trumpets. We suggest that the pictorial truth about these trumpets has been hidden from us for a season and for a reason. We simply have not understood what it is that they depict for the last days. Once Judah was carried away to Babylon, things...

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