119 Blog

Archaeologists Find 3,200-Year-Old Cheese in an Egyptian Tomb

Mysterious substance found in ancient broken jar. By Niraj Chokshi August 16, 2018 A few years ago, a team of archaeologists cleaning sand from an ancient Egyptian tomb discovered a group of broken jars, one of them containing a mysterious white substance. The team had guesses as to what the material might be, but a new analysis published in the journal Analytical Chemistry offers an answer: What they found during that excavation was an approximately 3,200-year-old piece of cheese, one...

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How Was the Bible Written During and After the Exile?

Please note, that the author of the article below is not affiliated with 119 Ministries in any way and the information does not necessarily reflect the teachings or understandings of 119 Ministries.  We found the general information of the article to be worth testing by other members of the community regardless of where one stands on the subject. Original Article Found...

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