Our Mind is A Battlefield: Taking Our Thoughts Captive

Our minds are a battlefield. Taking our thoughts captive is imperative, especially when we begin an all-consuming downward spiral mentally.
Our minds are a battlefield. Taking our thoughts captive is imperative, especially when we begin an all-consuming downward spiral mentally.
Does God still speak today? Find out David Wilber's thoughts in this guest post from his website.
Hate is easy, loving our enemies is hard. A short thought from Christy Jordan at Seeking Scripture.
David Wilber responds to Justin Best of Christian Truthers regarding the Apostle Paul's teachings.
For those new to trying to live out the Torah today, here are some thoughts on how to get started on your journey as we answer the question - what do I do?
The sixteenth install of The 613 Mitzvot blog series where we are briefly reviewing the 613 traditional rabbinical commandments and if the Torah applies to us today.
The fifteenth install of The 613 Mitzvot blog series where we are briefly reviewing the 613 traditional rabbinical commandments and if the Torah applies to us today.
We are often asked to do teachings on the 613 commandments found in the Jewish faith. Understandably, such a teaching or teaching series would be an immense undertaking. However, we thought we may be able to go through it, at least in part, in our blogs. This is an ongoing blog series that we will do at different times without any real schedule planned. We will not be going into great depth in this series. The format for these blog posts will be simple. We will...
The thirteenth install of The 613 Mitzvot blog series where we are briefly reviewing the 613 traditional rabbinical commandments and if the Torah applies to us today.
Should we be taking things meant for other gods and applying them to our Creator? What about if it's simply something he said no to?
This is the relating to the 56th through 60th commandments of the traditional 613 commandments in the order and as found in the Aramic-English New Testament (AENT).
We are often asked to do teachings on the 613 commandments found in the Jewish faith. Understandably, such a teaching or teaching series would be an immense undertaking. However, we thought we may be able to go through it, at least in part, in our blogs. This is an ongoing blog series that we will do at different times without any real schedule planned. We will not be going into great depth in this series. The format for these blog posts will be simple. We will...
This week we will briefly review commandments 41-45 of the traditional 613 commandments.
This week we will briefly review commandments 36-40 of the traditional 613 commandments.
A statue base from 1,900 years ago found at Dor survived shellfish and seawater, and to the archaeologists' shock, revealed a previously unknown governor of Judea. An underwater survey conducted by divers off Tel Dor, on the Mediterranean Sea, yielded an astonishing find: a rare Roman inscription mentioning the province of Judea – and the name of a previously unknown Roman governor, who ruled the province shortly before the Bar-Kochba Revolt. Historians had thought that based on Roman...
Who is it that's supposed to wear the tzitzit, or tassels, commanded in Numbers 15? Should women and children wear them, or just men?
This week we will briefly review commandments 31-35 of the traditional 613 commandments.
Wed, September 14, 2016 The discovery of a rare gold coin bearing the image of the Roman Emperor Nero at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte's archaeological excavations on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, has just been announced by the archaeologists in charge of the project, Drs. Shimon Gibson, James Tabor, and Rafael Lewis. "The coin is exceptional," said Gibson, "because this is the first time that a coin of this kind has turned up in Jerusalem in a scientific dig. Coins of this...
Do you walk through life grumbling or complaining? What happened to Israel when they did that?
This week we look at the 26-30th of the traditional 613 Mitzvot (Commandments) to see if they can be applied today.
Are women punished when giving birth to a girl by doubling the time of purification?
We are often asked to do teachings on the 613 commandments found in the Jewish faith. Understandably, such a teaching or teaching series would be an immense undertaking. However, we thought we may be able to go through it, at least in part, in our blogs. This is an ongoing blog series that we will do at different times without any real schedule planned. We will not be going into great depth in this series. The format for these blog posts will be simple. We will...
Some say Titus 2 requires a woman to work a job from her home meaning an outside vocation. Is that what Scripture says?
Part 2 from L'Chaim Pura Vida where they tell a bit more about the people the help, what they do, and what they hope to do some day.
An introduction to a Torah missionary family living a life of faith and complete dependency upon the Creator. Family Gospel World Missions, their website and blog is L’chaim Pura Vida.
The Great Commission is less about going out and more about discipleship.
This week we look at the 16th - 20th traditional rabbinical commandments out of the 613 commonly taught to be the Torah.
Remember the feeling when you walk into a store and you get bombarded with salespeople? Remember how it feels to have someone working hard to show you all of the benefits of a product, and how it is so much better than what you have, yet they’re trying too hard and you really aren’t interested? Most likely, you don’t like that feeling and you get put off by those people. You don’t want to be that person, especially when it comes to discussing...
You know how your friends and family sometimes seem to get when you have tried to talk to them about the Torah? Some may be receptive while others may refuse to talk about the subject or even become hostile, showing a side you would never have thought existed. It doesn’t always have to be that way, if you’ve taken them into consideration and checked your attitude, then it may have something to do with actions. We do not recommend having deep discussions relating...
When Talking Torah, you may bully others with your attitude if you're not careful.
Are you new to Hebrew Roots and trying to share it with others but are being met with hostility? Maybe you shouldn't be talking Torah just yet.
This week we look at the 11th - 15th traditional rabbinical commandments out of the 613.
This week we look at the 6th - 10th traditional rabbinical commandments out of the 613.
This week we will briefly look at the first five of the traditional rabbinical 613 Commandments.
Special Report: Graves of the Maccabees Uncovered! Special Report: Barry Segal travels to the spot where Israeli archaeologists have just announced a new discovery that sheds light on how the early Christian community honored the heroes of Hanukkah. Watch the entire video here: BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS ACADEMY
With so much going on in the world on a global scale, are you looking deeply into End Times? Has it become your focus? Should it be?
Have you ever wondered why "God allows bad things to happen to good people?" If so, perhaps the following article may answer at least part of that question in the article "YHWH, Thank You For The Storm".