119 Blog

Determining a Sabbath Rest

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Why does scripture say to not go out of our place on the Sabbath? Exodus 16:29See! The Lord has given you the Sabbath; therefore on the sixth day he gives you bread for two days. Remain each of you in his place; let no one go out of his place on the seventh day.” Some have interpreted this particular scripture to mean that one is not to leave their dwelling place on the Sabbath. The important word here in English is “place.” In Hebrew, the word for “place&rdquo...

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Acts 10 with Mark 7

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Many people bring up Acts 10 and Mark 7 regarding the dietary laws of God to show they no longer apply.   Do Acts 10 and Mark 7 really tell us how the dietary laws set down in Leviticus have changed?.   Acts 10:1-22 is Peter’s vision where God tells Peter to kill and eat all manner of clean and unclean animals...This is often interpreted as meaning that God made all things food and clean to eat. However, this is not the case as Peter explained the vision a little...

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The Heart of Torah - Part 2

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In part 1 of “The Heart of Torah” (CLICK HERE to go back and read it) we discussed where our focus should be, and what happens when we lose that focus.  This time, in part 2, we are going to discuss what the “The Heart of Torah” is and what it means to walk in it, or follow it. What Is the “Heart of Torah”?Yeshua spoke about the importance of the heart of Torah with His statements to the Pharisees regarding helping a neighbor’s donkey out of...

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The Word is He, In a Doctrinal Pickle are We

John 5:46  For if you BELIEVED MOSES, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. 47 But if YOU DO NOT BELIEVE HIS WRITINGS, how will you believe MY WORDS?” Moses wrote of Him? John 14:24  He who does not love Me does not keep MY WORDS; and THE WORD which you hear is NOT Mine but the Father’s who sent Me. Not His Words? John 1:14 And the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us, What Word? Mark 7 9 He said to them, “All too well you reject THE COMMANDMENT...

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